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A M2 celebration of Oskar Blues’s Gubna

I like hops. I like a shitloads of hops. I might be a shopoholic.

What is it with me and IPA’s? It’s like formula (you know, välling in Swedish) to a baby. That’s what a really good IPA is to me. Give me an IPA and I will not stop before the bottle or glass is empty. If it’s bad, I’ll start to cry uncontrollably. So you might imagine what happens when unlimited access to one of the best IIPAs in the world is provided to me. I steal Pils to trade for more of that sweet, sweet IIPA..

Lets back the tape a little, I wanted to let you all in on one of my recently found favorite places in the world. Oskar Blues Brewpub – The Tasty Weasel. And a beer that will blow your mind if you ever come across it.

Reason for being a place that I fell in love with it was a very nice combination of the awesome people that work there (and could put up with mine and Mankers weird behavior, or what is just me..?) and some damn fine beer.

Some of you might have to think twice to come up with more than 3 different Oskar Blues beer you had, and that’s true – their standard brews are only 6 different. But when you have had one of the standard brews, the Oskar Blues Gubna, (which is the one I would like to praise here) only on a can in Sweden, like 3 months old before, and loved it… Just imagine what happens when the awesome Marketing/Sales/Brand manager (He pretty much did everything I reckoned) Chad Melis at Oskar Blues said that “Do what the f*ck you want when you’re around, we’re pretty laid back here”. So I asked if I could pour my very first Gubna on tap by myself. He just repeated what he just said. Awesome.
Little did I know that I would to have unlimited access to that very tap all night long. Bad idea. Very bad idea. Or good. Depending on your perspective.

Gubna on tap is AMAZING, it beats most of the beers we had this trip over to the other side of the pond, if someone in Stockholm gets a hold of a keg of this, I will literally drink it to the very last drop. No matter the cost. 

So, back to the beer: Think of that baby again with the formula that is SO hungry and just wants more and more and more but the loving parent just give the child just enough. I did not have a parent with me so I drank that bad boy for a good 5 or 6 pints. And this is 10% ABV beer we’re talking about here. It’s a good thing that we brought the camera as my memory is a bit…vague.

How can I describe the taste of fresh Gubna on tap? Well, just imagine yourself enjoying a massively hopped usual IPA from a bottle. Now tell a Disney drawn very nice old lady with sparkly eyes and a smile that can melt a glacier to bake the sweetest orange/lemon meringue pie ever, let it cool on in an open window and then squeeze that whole pie into your bottle.

There we go, you now have a massively hopped beer with the sweetness from oranges and a touch of lemons and LOADS of citrusy flavors, plus you also feel that sensation that the texture of the beer feels a little different, just a teeny weeny bit more…something. Fluffy perhaps. And happiness.

If you get the chance – try Gubna on tap, it was sensationally wonderful in so many ways.


Magnus "Manker" Björnstjerna

Grundare och skribent på Från ett fokus på allt vad USA har att erbjuda och med en kärlek till gedigen amerikansk mat, bra bourbon och framförallt all landets fantastiska öl har Manker nu börjat förstå storheten i belgisk öl.

Magnus "Manker" Björnstjerna

Grundare och skribent på Från ett fokus på allt vad USA har att erbjuda och med en kärlek till gedigen amerikansk mat, bra bourbon och framförallt all landets fantastiska öl har Manker nu börjat förstå storheten i belgisk öl.

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2 Responses to “A M2 celebration of Oskar Blues’s Gubna”

  1. eriked says:

    Gaaah! I have to go down to the nearest pub right now (well.. I have to eat or at least take the shit out of the oven first) to get some Gubna. No tap here though 🙁

    Also I don’t think I’ve seen three pictures filled with that much happiness since.. well a while 🙂

  2. M2 says:

    Haha, great stuff Erik – it was surely a happy night! Go get that Gubna, I know that Olover Twis have some and quite the few of Bishops Arms stock hem. But you gotta try it fresh someday, it is AMAZING



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