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MankerBeer News: Pre-CBC: *F* Bieber, drink Surly’s Pentagram!?

20111005_14surly093011_53In exactly three weeks all dedicated international beer freaks in and around Copenhagen will have time to rest, at least for a few hours. Two days of non-stop world class beer celebration will be over for the second time but the party in Copenhagen will continue as Mikkeller Bar Viktoriagade celebrate its third birthday. As I have been away from home for a while I haven’t been able to complete and publish more interviews with some of the best breweries in the world attending the Copenahgen Beer Celebration. That will change in this week you can look forward to interview with Todd Haug of Surly, Amager Brygghus, Sam Cruz of Against the Grain and Cam Hines of Mountain Goat, among several others – it will be crazy!

Speaking of crazy.. You might have seen the beer lists we have published here and the ones published over at Mikkeller’s page and/or the event page? If not, finish reading this post and check them out. A full list of beers, easy to modify will be published next week.

We were asking Surly Brewing’s Todd Haug what he thought beer fans really shouldn’t miss at CBC – and well, except for using the f-word and a certain Bieber in the same sentence he was quite clear in what beer we must try!

MB: What should beer fans at Copenhagen Beer Celebration really not miss?

Except for Pentagram, I mean if you ‘have to‘ try more than one Surly beer, what will you be able to chose from? As always changed may occur and not all beers will be poured at all sessions. Pink is king.

Surly Brewing CBC Beer List:

  • Pentagram
  • Abrasive
  • Mild
  • Darkness
  • Furious
  • Coffee Bender
  • Bender
  • Cynic
  • Syx
  • Hell
  • Smoke
  • Seven
Magnus "Manker" Björnstjerna

Grundare och skribent på Från ett fokus på allt vad USA har att erbjuda och med en kärlek till gedigen amerikansk mat, bra bourbon och framförallt all landets fantastiska öl har Manker nu börjat förstå storheten i belgisk öl.

Magnus "Manker" Björnstjerna

Grundare och skribent på Från ett fokus på allt vad USA har att erbjuda och med en kärlek till gedigen amerikansk mat, bra bourbon och framförallt all landets fantastiska öl har Manker nu börjat förstå storheten i belgisk öl.

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