Archive | April, 2013


A checklist of what you need to know about Copenhagen Beer Celebration

The days are passing slower than ever and beer lovers from all over the world are packing their bags and heading for their transportation of choice to get to Copenhagen. It is finally time for Copenhagen Beer Celebration 2013! Many of the beers are basically exclusive in one way or another to CBC and I […]

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Analys inför Systembolagets släpp 2 maj: vi kör på en snabbis

Bättre sent än aldrig sägs det. Mitt i allting som rör Copenhagen Beer Celebration så ska det släppas öl på Systembolaget här hemma i Sverige. På grund utav allt som sker blir den här månadens genomgång något hattigare och mer begränsad, time is running out som Muse sjöng. Det mest markanta för släppet är nog […]

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Manker Lackar, igen – Eller “Manker lackar på munskänkarna”

Jag tänker hålla mig kort idag – se det här klippet, starta från runt 9.20 in och se frammåt. Det är från TV3 programmet “Kniven mot strupen” och ger ett rätt bra exempel på hur “vinpersoner” egentligen är. Vinpersoner kanske ni säger frågande nu, är inte det att generalisera? Jo visst fan är det så, […]

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MankerBeer Meets: Pre-CBC: Edward Westbrook/Westbrook Brewing Co.

Tomorrow we head for Copenhagen to stroll around until Friday and the start of Copenhagen Beer Celebration. Before we properly can start celebrating we have to complete our interview series, so here is one of the two last interviews – this time with Edward Westbrook, the young and ambitious home brewer how decided he wanted […]

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MankerBeer Meets: Pre-CBC: Tobias Emil Jensen/To Øl

I remember how I felt last year, what the hell – half a year is way too much time to be spending on not drinking awesome beer. It was not that I had made a vow not drink craft beer for 6 months, it was just that I had bought tickets for Copenhagen Beer Celebration […]

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Photo: Surly Brewing

MankerBeer Meets: Pre-CBC: Todd Haug/Surly Brewing

With only a few days left until Copenhagen Beer Celebration 2013 kicks off the events and random craziness that will take place at the Celebration and around in Copenhagen are slowly being announced. We hope to be able to give a summary of it all later tomorrow, but until then we continue with our pre-interviews. […]

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