Archive | April, 2013


MankerBeer Meets: Pre-CBC: Jeffrey Stuffings/Jester King

It is soon time to pack my bags and head for Copenhagen and the Copenhagen Beer Celebration! Days, weeks and months of waiting is about to come to an end, but no sleep ’til Brooklyn and more pre-cbc interviews to come (Surly, Westbrook etc). Today we put focus on one of the newer American breweries, a […]

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MankerBeer Meets: Akkurat och Garrett Oliver skapade ljuv musik

Det är sällan jag har varit med om en så intensiv period av fantastisk mat och utsökt öl. På tre dagar har Garrett Olivers, bryggmästaren på Brooklyn Brewery, resa i Stockholm och Göteborg bara nått mittcirkeln. Ändå har jag fått i mig mer än 14 rätter och fler öl än vad jag vågar erkänna, jag […]

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Posted in MankerBeer and Food, MankerBeer Meets:, MankerBeer Talk2 Comments


De Röda Djävlarna: Veckans Belgotips: Avec les Bons Voeux

“Ceci nes pas une bière” är en parafras på en av Magrittes målningar av en pipa där samma konstnär hävdar att det inte är en pipa. Den Brysselfödde René Magritte är bredvid den galna katalanen Salvador Dali ett av de största namnen inom surrealismen. Surrealismen är en konstgenre som utmanar betraktaren och som ställer omöjliga […]

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MankerBeer Meets: Pre-CBC: Fred Karm/Hoppin Frog

Those who attended Copenhagen Beer Celebration last year might have seen a short, extremely happy fellow jumping around and talking to everyone who asked for a beer. The man was the charismatic founder of Hoppin Frog, Fred Karm. This fellow seemed to love the celebration and while blending improvised black & tans one second the […]

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HAppy Ivan At Mikkeller Bar Stefansgade

MankerBeer Meets: Pre-CBC: Project Manager Ivan Kiss-Prinzip Jensen

The preparations for one of the most awesome beer event in Europe, or even the world, started many months ago. With just a few weeks left, things are really coming together. We think. And hope.  Appearance is everything, some wise person told me many years back. Maybe we cannot see the panic behind the scenes […]

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Photo: Jason South/

MankerBeer Meets: Pre-CBC: Cam Hines/Mountain Goat

We have seen pre-Copenhagen Beer Celebration interviews with brewers from China, Japan and New Zeeland – as well as with brewers from the western side of the world but lets stick to the eastern countries, or more specifically Australia. Mountain Goat Brewery is not only one of the more famous Aussie craft breweries but also great proof […]

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