Archive | November, 2011


A M2 celebration of Oskar Blues’s Gubna

I like hops. I like a shitloads of hops. I might be a shopoholic. What is it with me and IPA’s? It’s like formula (you know, välling in Swedish) to a baby. That’s what a really good IPA is to me. Give me an IPA and I will not stop before the bottle or glass […]

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Posted in M2's Corner2 Comments

News + what beer would MankerBeer be?

News + what beer would MankerBeer be?

Simple as that – if would be a beer. What type of beer would it be and what would be in it? What hops and malts would be in it? What would the ABV and IBU be? How would the label be? Tell us and we might reward you 🙂 More news then? Well, […]

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Posted in MankerBeer News, MankerBeer Talk3 Comments

Manker Beer TV - Guided Tour of Dogfish Head Brewery

Manker Beer TV – Guided Tour of Dogfish Head Brewery

  Okay, so yesterday you could read our interview with Sam Calagione, founder and brew master at Dogfish Head. But what is Dogfish Head, how did Sam go from homebrewer to have one of the most interesting breweries around and what more can we tell? Well, MankerBeer gives you the full (almost) guided tour of the […]

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Posted in MankerBeer TV1 Comment

Enter the Dogfish Head Brewpub at own risk, you might never want to leave

MankerBeer Meets: Sam Calagione of Dogfish Head

 Our first real meeting during our beery round trip in New York and Colorado was not in either of those two states.  Instead we had to pick up a car, set sail against the south and “take us all the way” down to Delaware to find our destination. Along the beautiful scenery it was still […]

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Posted in MankerBeer Meets:9 Comments


MankerBeers rapporter från USA, förslag och satsningar.

Efter mer än 2 veckors nästintill konstant öldrickande så var det på svensk mark man vaknade imorse. Trötta, nöjda och med väskor med guld och minnen är vi nu (så snart jet laggen har lagt sig) redo att sammanställa allt. Det finns ett par timmar film (däribland hela guideturer på Dogfish Head, Oskar Blues m.m), intervjuer med  bryggare […]

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Posted in MankerBeer News, MankerBeer Talk2 Comments


Sista kvällen i USA, med vemod och glädje

Så. Sista kvällen här. Efter besök på Avery, Left Hand, Dogfish Head, Funkwerks, Great Divide och många fler och med flertalet nya vänner så är det lite tradigt att packa väskorna (fyllda med öl) och planera kvällen. Efter runt 250-300 öl och gör många barer är vi mest sugna på att slappa på hotellet. Men […]

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