Tag Archive | "MankerBeer News"


MankerBeer News: Pre-CBC: Who let the dogs out? Lagunitas beer list

lagulogoTwo weeks and one day until bartime – so start preparing, Copenhagen Beer Celebration is in the air! I was just writing an article on UK brewery Thornbridge and how one of their brewers, Matthew, explained to us how they try to make all of their beers sessionable or at least with a good drinkability. A sane beer geek wouldn’t down a pint o Three Floyds Dark Lord (or…), not because the quality or taste of the beer but simply because its too flavorful and strong. At CBC we will see breweries from all corners of the world and with different focus – some are making big beers while some prefer easy drinking beers. I would put Lagunitas Brewing Co. in the middle, leaning towards the more easy drinking beers. Quite unexpectedly, many Swedes really like Lagunitas – a brewery we until last year had to go to Denmark to be able to find. The brewery is attending CBC for the first time and their beer list, subjective to change, has a nice mix of easy drinking beers such as their IPA and my favorite, New Dogtown Pale Ale to their new Chardonnay barrel aged Imperial wheat ale Doppelomyces and and Barrel Aged Imperial Stout. I wouldn’t miss fresh Hop Stoopid or Maximus – beers that will give you your morning hop fix. For the complete list, of all the beers as well as ABV and descriptions – consult this great list! As soon as all beers have been announced we will upload the final version for you to print, edit and play around with!


Lagunitas CBC Beer List:

  • IPA
  • New Dogtown Pale Ale
  • Hop Stoopid
  • Little Sumpin Sumpin
  • Maximus
  • Doppelmyces
  • B.A Imperial Stout
  • Wilco Tango Foxtrot (WTF)

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MankerBeer News: Pre-CBC: What is Norwegian Lervig bringing?

lervig_OPPSLAG_jaa3458Another day in paradise and another set of beers being announced for Copenhagen Beer Celebration. In two weeks time I’ll be sitting in Copenhagen drinking beer, longing for CBC to start and to wake up to a day of witnessing some world class brewing (more on that later). So I thought it might be about time to announce some more beers? Except for Denmark the only Nordic country (however, Xbeeriment do have a collaboration with Swedish brewery Brekeriet, Bretty Boop) participating at CBC is Norway. Norway is sending one of their best breweries, Lervig and their friendly brewmaster Mike Murphy. We had a chat with Mike last year and some of what he said is probably still as interesting and will give you an idea of what Lervig is about. If you prefer the full interview you can find it here. At the bottom you find what Lervig is sending to Copenhagen – Bam!


MankerBeer (MB): You have lived in Europe for over a decade, brewing beers in Italy, Denmark and Norway so it seems as if you have experienced the European craft beer revolution first hand. How has the European beer scene changed while you have been here?

Mike Murphy (MM): I feel like I am riding the craftbeer wave as I have been in 3 countries and been there about the same time these countries have undergone a transformation from mundane pilsner to interest in craft beers. Italy was interstingly a non beer country when I was there in 99, about the only thing you could find other than pils was Guiniess or kilkenny, if you go to Italy today you can see for yourself what has happened, Italy is special as they have been doing it their way and you can see and taste it. Denmark and little after Sweden become huge markets for craft beer, perhaps the good economies and the pre exsitiing love of beer made the scandinavian beer scene one of the most interesting beer scenes in the world. the craft beer market is also on the rise here in Norway, I can see by our sales that new and different products are selling much better than lame boring macro pils.

The scene in scandinavia has changed and matured over the last 8 years starting with some influence from the US brewing scene, giving inspiration to many brewers in the area to produce simular beers and perhaps take it a bit further in some cases. Yet there is always those cult brewers who appeal to the more traditional drinker in scandinavia and you just dont see that anywhere else really. The scandinavian beer scene is the area is realitively small and yet so interesting that is never boring always changing and full of great people that you can meet out there in many festivals and tastings.


MB: What were you doing before you moved to Europe and started brewing beers?

MM: I was always a home brewer, but I was starting a buisness which deals with customizing swimming pools with stone walls, waterfalls & landscaping around the pools, I had this goal to make peoples mouth drop in awe when they come to the backyard of the customers who could afford these types of luxuries. I have an education in Landscape Architecture so I was heading that way when Europe called on me to be a brewer. I think things would be very different for me today if I had stayed on that path, I cant say I would have regreted anything and I probably would have been happy doing the previous line of work as well. I am however very happy to have spent my late 20?s and all my 30?s in Europe, i think it has fundementaly changed me and perhaps made me a better and open minded person.


MB: For those of us that follow your blog we read your take on canning beers. What are the biggest prejudices against canned beers here in Norden?

MM: Like most places people assimulate can beer with cheap beer, like a screw cap on wine, basically because most craft brewers can not afford a proper bottling line much less a canning line, therefore it must be a mass produced lame beer in there… I just tell people it’s not any differnet than a small keg, it may look and feel less special in the can but when you need to carry the dead bottles from your home to the recycle center you can feel the differnece as well. I like that the can has more printing options, better on the environment as far as trasnsport, and it actually stores the beer better than a glass bottle… It’s nice to have a choice and I really believe that cans are the future even for craft beer.


MB: Norway is starting to establish itself as a beer country just like Sweden and Denmark and I spoke to Kjetil from Nøgne Ø on how many small Norwegian breweries try to perfect their beers and production before “they go big”. What upcoming breweries are their to keep your yes on?

MM: I think it’s going to take some more time before you see many new breweries except for some brew pubs here in Norway, I think Kinn is an interesting brewery that is well distributed here in Norway and getting a lot of respect from the craft beer scene, It would only be better for all of us if we have more and more interest and choice. there is another local brewery near us which has always made more traditional beers, now they have launched a IPA as well… Just shows that they see it too.


You can find the descriptions of the below beers together with all the other beers at CBC in our complete CBC beer list – updated daily and found here. Just to clarify, changes in the beer lists may occur and not all beers are served at all sessions.

Lervig CBC Beer List:

  • Brewers Reserve Rye IPA
  • Brewers Reserve Konrads Stout
  • Farmhouse Stout
  • Bourbon B.A Barley Wine
  • BPA
  • Flemish Brown Ale
  • Oat IPA
  • Galaxy Hopped IPA Super Passion Fruit
  • Imperial Amber Ale

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MankerBeer News: MankerBeer i morgonradiosoffan

keep-calm-and-rock-n-beerNästa steg för oss på MankerBeer att ta plats i ölsverige kommer att ske redan nu på fredag. Efter att ha haft en dialog med Lasse Råde, som vi förhoppningsvis får se kan leda till något positivt så tar vi själva nu klivet ut i etern. Nej, det är inte MankerBeer TV som nu lanserar en digital kanal i ultra 3D HD med häftiga ölreportage utan det är dags att ni ska lära er tyda M2s skånska och min ljuva röst i radio. I fjol när öldokumentären Beer Wars släpptes på den nordiska marknaden så blev vi tillfrågade att vara med i Bandit Rocks morgonprogram Rivstart för att prata öl, då tyckte vi att Brill & Co’s ‘Pop-Jonas’ Danielsson gjorde sig bättre varpå han satt och drack öl istället för morgonkaffet. När vi nu åter blev tillfrågade för att inför Garrett Olivers besök under nästa vecka prata lite öl så var det självklart att vi ställde upp. Så på fredag morgon ska ni tune’a in Bandit Rock så får vi se hur det hela slutar. Kanske hamnar jag och M2 i någon obskyr gränd drickandes Dogfish Heads Pearl Jam-öl Faithfull Ale eller så blir det kalas och vi ser ännu ett steg till att föra ut bra öl till de innan mindre intresserade massorna.

Oavsett vilket får vi se nu på fredag hur det går och vad det blir, vi slänger upp lite mer information på Facebook när det närmar sig!

Keep on rockin!

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MankerBeer News: Pre-CBC: Xbeeriment bringing it, again

xbeeriment-logoAt Copenhagen Beer Celebration 2012 the brewey which sold out their beers the quickest was probably Danish phantom brewery Xbeeriment. With incredible sours beers lovers asked for glass after glass of their beers and suddenly most of the beers were all gone. Later in 2012 we interviewed one of the brewers, Thomas Hoelgaard for and article in preparation of Stockholm Beer Festival and as we now have added his beers to the CBC 2013 list we thought we should look back to what he said last fall, about Xbeeriment, the beers and the Danish beer scene.



MB: Many Swedes will try your beers for the first time at the festival as. In short, what is Xbeeriment and what kind of beers are you focusing on?

TH: Xbeeriment is a phantom brewery. Both of us had been homebrewers for some years before we decided to go semi-pro and open Xbeeriment in 2008. We had been part of the Danish homebrewing circuit that grew rapidly in the first decade of this century. A lot of the guys that we knew here started their own microbreweries, these were guys like Christian Skovdahl (Ølfabrikken, Beer Here) and Mikkel Borg Bjergsøe (Mikkeller). What Mikkel did with Mikkeller was an inspiration to us – in the first many years he ran his brewery as a part time occupation besides his regular job as a school teacher. That was what we wanted to do as well – to open a brewery where we weren’t financially dependent upon selling large quantities of beer rapidly but instead being able to just focus on brewing the beers that we wanted to drink ourselves.

In the beginning we wanted to make extreme beers with a high level of experimentation but these days our focus has changed a bit. We still like to experiment but our main focus when making beers today is to make beers with intensive flavours but also great balance. Even though most of our beers are quite strong in regards of alcohol, we have immense focus on the issue of drinkability. Xbeeriment beers will never be cheap beers, so we feel we have an obligation to make sure that one can actually drink a whole bottle of any of our beers. So we guess the answer is not so much what kind of beers in terms of beer styles we focus on, it’s more a question of a house style in all our beers.


MB:  You attended Copenhagen Beer Celebration back in May 2012 and quickly sold out on several of your beers and a great amount of the visitors held your sours beers among the best beers of the festival – what was your experience of CBC?

TH: The CBC was an absolutely amazing experience! For us as brewers we were honoured to be asked to participate and also a bit scared, really. Before the festival we thought that with well-known breweries like 3 Floyds, Cigar City, Hoppin’ Frog, De Molen, De Struisse, Mikkeller, Evil Twin …… on the ticket, we should probably be happy if we poured half a keg of each of our beers during the 2 days.

But when the CBC opened we were surprised to see that the people coming to the festival didn’t just go for the big names, but instead were eager to simply try beers that they hadn’t seen before. And also that the word travelled fast if there was something of particular interest somewhere at the festival. And suddenly we realised that the rumour of our sours was one of the tips going round.

And we did notice a lot of Swedes amongst the very international crowd at the CBC. Therefore we are proud to be able to offer the very last reserves of our lambic at Stockholm Beer and Whisky Festival 2012.


MB: Compared to many European colleagues the Danish breweries seems to be experiementing a lot more. Why could that be?

TH: It probably has to do with the fact that few other European countries have had the lack of variety in beer as Denmark had from the end of World War II and until about 12-15 years ago. Until the late nineties you could seriously not find any other types of beer than cheaply made lagers in different alcoholic strenght and a few baltic porters on the Danish shelves. Most danes had never tried a top-fermented beer! So when the interest in craft beer took off in Denmark we weren’t bound by a lot of traditional ways to make craft beer, and a lot of the pioners of Danish craft beer like Brøckhouse, Nørrebro Bryghus and later on Mikkeller and Ølfabrikken had turned their eyes towards the US for inspiration. That is probably why the European country, whose craft beer scene has the most resemblance to the American scene, is Denmark.

That being said, most Danish micro breweries still make beers that are not at all experimenting, but just rather bland imitations of classic European styles.

But yeah, there is also a very creative, very experimenting small group of Danish micros. These are the ones beer geeks outside of Denmark have heard of, and most of these – ourselves included – actually sell most of their beer outside Denmark. Funny thing is, though, that most of these are phantom breweries. Only very few of the breweries with an actual physical brewery has taken the experimental road.

If you were at CBC last year and tried their beers you know how good they were, the below list  (changes may occur, for more info on the beers please check out the full list of beers) is equally exiting and I know where I will spend a great part of the celebration. That Thomas and the other from the Xbeeriment crew are great and friendly people who love to talk about their beers doesn’t make it worse.


Xbeeriment CBC Beer List:

  • 1. # 44 Smoked Stout Whisky Barrel
  • Agent Orange
  • Bertold Brett Reads Das Kapital
  • Black Force One XO
  • Agent Cooper’s Delight
  • Bretty Boop
  • Black Force One Bourbon B.A Ed.
  • Acid Jazz
  • Brett the Elder(Berry)

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MankerBeer News: Pre-CBC: *F* Bieber, drink Surly’s Pentagram!?

20111005_14surly093011_53In exactly three weeks all dedicated international beer freaks in and around Copenhagen will have time to rest, at least for a few hours. Two days of non-stop world class beer celebration will be over for the second time but the party in Copenhagen will continue as Mikkeller Bar Viktoriagade celebrate its third birthday. As I have been away from home for a while I haven’t been able to complete and publish more interviews with some of the best breweries in the world attending the Copenahgen Beer Celebration. That will change in this week you can look forward to interview with Todd Haug of Surly, Amager Brygghus, Sam Cruz of Against the Grain and Cam Hines of Mountain Goat, among several others – it will be crazy!

Speaking of crazy.. You might have seen the beer lists we have published here and the ones published over at Mikkeller’s page and/or the event page? If not, finish reading this post and check them out. A full list of beers, easy to modify will be published next week.

We were asking Surly Brewing’s Todd Haug what he thought beer fans really shouldn’t miss at CBC – and well, except for using the f-word and a certain Bieber in the same sentence he was quite clear in what beer we must try!

MB: What should beer fans at Copenhagen Beer Celebration really not miss?

Except for Pentagram, I mean if you ‘have to‘ try more than one Surly beer, what will you be able to chose from? As always changed may occur and not all beers will be poured at all sessions. Pink is king.

Surly Brewing CBC Beer List:

  • Pentagram
  • Abrasive
  • Mild
  • Darkness
  • Furious
  • Coffee Bender
  • Bender
  • Cynic
  • Syx
  • Hell
  • Smoke
  • Seven

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Photo: Todd Bates / Creative Loafing

MankerBeer News: Pre-CBC: G.O.O.D Damn Cycle Brewing beers!


Photo: Todd Bates / Creative Loafing

Good damn Friday and as Fridays are my favorite day I will give you something extra. A brewery that might be less known to many but whose precense at Copenhagen Beer Celebration is much anticipated by those who knows is Cycle Brewing. Doug Dozark, formerly at Cigar City in Tampa and head brewer at Gulfport, Florida brewpub Peg’s Cantina decided it was time to start up his own business and zap Cycle Brewing was born. Doug is a really G.O.O.D (Gulfport Original On Draft) brewer and at CBC we will be able to sample brews from both Cycle Brewing (still in the start up process), Peg’s Cantina as well as some of the beers from the G.O.O.D-series – among them the sought after and high ranked Rare(-r) DOS. If you aren’t exited about the below beer list you should read up on the brewery and consult Rate Beer. To me this is the brewery I am most exited about. Probably becuase it’s the only brewery whose beers I haven’t yet tried.

Hopefully we will have an interview with Doug ready and published within a week or two but for now I recomend this article giving an insight in what Cycle Brewing is about. The beers then?
(changes may occur and different beers will be poured during different sessions)!


Cycle Brewing CBC Beer List:

  • Freewheel Session IPA
  • G.O.O.D Night Imperial Stout
  • Fixie Session IPA
  • G.O.O.D Bottom of the 9th Brown Ale
  • G.O.O.D Rare DOS
  • G.O.O.D RareR DOS
  • G.O.O.D Dancing Cody IPA
  • Patch Kit Wheat Porter
  • Hazelnut Imperial Stout

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