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IMG_20130408_190431 (kopia)

MankerBeer Meets: Middag och ölprovning med Thornbridge

IMG_20130408_190431 (kopia)Förra veckan var minst sagt välfylld med spännande ölrelaterade events; i Göteborg hade man premiär för En Öl & Whiskymässa, Menno Olivier från De Molen startade sin två veckor långa vistelse i Sverige – och så var brittiska Thornbridge på besök. Ett bryggeri som snabbt seglat in på mången svens ölfanstasts radar. Inför kvällens ölprovning på mysiga Bishops Arms Folkungagatan i Stockholm stämde vi middagsdate med en av bryggeriets bryggare Matthew Clark och bryggeriets marketing manager Alex Buchanan.

Redan när jag anländer sitter de båda britterna (Alex är visserligen skotte) tillsammans med M2 och Stefan Johansson från bryggeriets svenska importör Galatea Beer Spirits & Wine och dricker öl och skrattar likt de har suttit där bra mycket längre än de minuter jag missat.

De sitter och pekar i en folder som illustrerar bryggeriets rätt imponerande uppsättning öl. Förutom en kölsch, Tzara har de allt från den hos Odell Brewing Co. nyligen bryggda välhumlade red ale’en Colorado Red och för oss svenskar välkända öl som Raven och Bracia. Jag lär mig snabbt att pekandet och det som det pratas om inte riktigt är synkat utan samtalen kretsar mer kring den brittiska ölkulturen och hur den börjar förändras till hur fasiken jag och M2 valt att pyssla med öl. Det är avslappnat, vänskapligt och precis som ett möte mellan människor som delar en passion ska vara.

Alex berättar om hur bryggeriet startade för att bit för bit växa ifrån det gamla bryggeriet i vackra Thornbridge Hall. Idag har man istället bryggeriet i nya lokaler inte mycket längre bort, men känslan för god mat och dryck sitter kvar. Mat undrar ni? När bryggeriet 2004 startades utav Jim Harrison, ägare av Thornbridge Hall och hans affärspartner Simon Webster så var tanken att erbjuda riktigt bra öl. När man sedan kom i kontakt med krögaren och kocken Richard Smith så var steget att inkorporera även restauranger och egna pubar inte lång bort. England har en annan tradition när det gäller att driva egna ölställen och många bryggerier har även krogverksamhet – så även Thornbridge. Man har allt från egna pubar, utan mat, till barer med enklare menyer och slutligen ett par restauranger som Richard ser till håller klassen.

Om vi tar och återgår till starten. 2005 slog Thornbridge upp portarna och bland bryggarna finner vi namn som Stefano Cossi och Martin Dickie. Italienaren Cossi kom från en utbildning inom Food Science and Technology i Italien medan Martin, som senare blev ena halvan bakom BrewDog startade sina studier på International Centre for Distilling and Brewing i Edinburgh. De båda var med och la grunden till de öl som numera är bryggeriets sortiment och vissa menar att man kan känna igen mycket av det Martin bryggde hos Thornbridge i vissa av BrewDogs öl Mottagandet från de brittiska ölfantasterna var minst sagt varmt och redan första året kammade IPA’n Jaipur hem ordentligt med lovord på CAMRA Awards (Campaign for Real Ale). Som en kul anekdot så jobbar jästnörden Cossi idag för Coors..

IMG_20130408_193643 (kopia)Nutid. Under middagen tar vi och frågar de båda hur de ser på den brittiska ölkulturen och varför den stagnerade så under en längre tid. De håller delvis med om att det har varit en lång väg att gå men framhåller att väldigt mycket sker nu nu och i samband med att fler och fler börjar intressera sig för öl så blir också exponeringen av craft beer större. Alex förklarar hur man förut hade få som provade eller skrev om deras och andra brittiska bryggares öl men i takt med att öljournalister och bloggare blev vanligare och allt mer professionella så kom också fler “vanliga” öldrickare att upptäcka vad öl kan vara. Samtidigt har också flera brittiska bryggerier börjat knyta starkare band och Alex framhåller att det är en positiv konkurens. Även om marknaden kanske inte är jättestor och inte kan svälja hur mycket öl eller bryggerier så är alla vänner och arbetar för samma mål – man vill lyfta ölen. Sedan är det en attitydsfråga, hur dricker man öl och vad är öl. Ska ölet drickas ur pints, ha lägre alkoholhalt och du ska dricka en sort under en kväll? Även här menar de att en förändring är på väg i takt med att medvetenheten och intresset ökar.


Kvalitéens roll på Thornbridge är viktig, väldigt viktigt – varje halvtimme handplockas en random flaska från tapplinan för att man ska kunna mäta syre- och koldioxidnivåer, smak, doft och utseende – allt ska vara perfekt och hålla en jämn kvalitet. Här lyser bryggeriets tre ledord innovation, passion och knowledge igenom klarare än någonsin. Matthew berättar hur de hela tiden, för varje ny batch öl och varje ny batch med råvaror analyserar allt från humlens nivå av alfasyra till dess smak och arom. Passar den inte eller når inte upp till kvalitetsmålen så får den bytas ut. Genom att göra olika single hop-öl kan de lära känna varje humlesort och under kvällen är det här arbetet något de båda återkommer till – kvalitet, kvalitet och åter kvalitet. Istället för att tillsätta humlen i fasta omgångar där den riskerar att “kokas ur” så tillsätter de humlen under hela koket samtidigt som den gamla humlen fiskas upp, detta för att undvika kokat kål och istället få en fräsch humlearom med genuin humlekaraktär. Kort och gott – jämför med thé. Många av de humliga öl vi dricker har en karaktär vi förknippar med en viss humle, däremot kan den skilja sig rätt markant beroende på om humlen hanterats rätt (behålla fräschör) eller överdoserats (klibbigare, kraftigare, saknar fräschör).

Kanske är det just på grund utav deras ständiga passion och nogrannhet som flera av världens mest förnämsta bryggerier har hört sig för och velat göra olika typer av samarbeten med dem. Förutom samarbeten med Dark Star (UK), Terrapin (USA), Kernel (UK) och Bridge Road (AU) så har man gjort uppmärksammade öl med både Sierra Nevada och Garrett Oliver från Brooklyn Brewery. Garrett var på Thornbridge Hall för öppningen utav det nya bryggeriet och passade då på att göra en 11% stark barley wine, Alliance som också lades på olika fat. På 11% har Alliance blivit bryggeriets starkaste öl. Matthew menar att balans och drinkabilitet ska vara i centrum, du ska kunna dricka ölen och då fungerar det inte med för starka öl, dessutom är många öl starka “bara för att”. Genom att veta vad du gör kan du uppnå samma smaksensationer och komplexitet redan på receptstatidet – ännu ett tecken på den medvetenhet som blivit ett fundament för bryggeriet. Just nu är det rätt lugnt på samarbetsfronten, en anledning menar Matthew är att det är så mycket jobb att man ofta bara sitter och blir frustrerad på den tid som krävs på att tweaka recept och bolla idéer medan det man vill göra, att brygga ölet sällan “bara görs”.


Ölen då, var de något att ha? Under kvällen kom vi att prova hela nio stycken utav bryggeriets olika öl; Tzara, Chiron, Halcyon, Jaipur, Kipling, St Petersburg, Raven, Honey Heather och Imperial Oatmeal Stout – de två sista speciella öl brygda i det gamla bryggeriet (därav märkningen Thornbridge Hall).

IMG_20130408_205531 (kopia)Tzara, en kölsch style ale (de får bara kallas Kölsch om ölet bryggs i tyska staden Cologne) bjöd på friska toner av halm, lite banan och en mullig men lätt kropp som gör den perfekt när du vill ha något trevligt för att släcka törsten. Det här är en öl jag hoppas vi kan få se på svenska uteserveringar i sommar då den är det perfekta mellantinget mellan en lager och en ale. Därefter kom Chiron, en pale ale namngiven efter den mytologiska figuren som också står  staty utanför Thornbridge Hall. 5% alkoholstyrka för fram fräscha toner av citrus, tallbar och gräs i näsan och med endast någon vecka på nacken så är det som att smaka på en nyskördad humlebassäng. Krispig och uppfriskande, men den bör drickas relativt färsk för det är mer utav aromhumlen och en balanserad måttlig bitterhumling.

Sedan var det dags att bryta av och gå upp ett steg i form av den mörka IPA’n Wild Raven – en öl som när den först släpptes i Sverige togs emot utav en delad skara öldrickare. Vissa ansåg att Sorachi-humlen var för tydlig medan andra höll den som den bästa mörka IPA’n de provat. På grund utav en namntvist så har Raven nu fått tillägget “Wild”, dock är det samma öl som tidigare. Eller samma och samma? Både jag själv, men även andra provningsdeltagare anmärkte att den kändes lite mildare och mer balanserad. Matthew förklarar att man genom att ha ändrat lite på maltbasen troligen har modifierat den totala beskan. Anledningen är att en stor del av ölets beska och bittra toner kommer från malten. Med en en mer balanserad maltbas får ölet tydligare toner av de rostade choklad och kaffetonerna jag föredrar där humlen ger perfekt kryddning till ölet. Kanske har de också låtit de övriga humlesorterna Nelson Sauvin och Centennial balansera upp Sorachihumlen mer.

Näst på tur var samarbetsbrygden med australiensiske bryggeriet Mountain GoatThorny Goat. En balanserad och rätt mild mocha porter med toner av choklad, en nypa lakritspulver och milda kaffebönor. Väldigt behaglig för att vara 6% och som ni nyss läste så är balansen viktigare än att göra en alltför kraftig öl – något jag första gången jag drack ölet hade svårt med men ju oftare jag har provat den ju mer tycker jag det är skönt med en mocha porter som faktiskt är riktigt lättdrucken.

Det var så dags för de avslutande ölen och nu åkte de kraftigare brygderna fram – först ut den 80 IBU kraftiga (imperial) IPA’n Halcyon. Ölet påminner rejält om en upphottad och vuxnare Chiron. Även den här flaskan är helt färsk så det är blommande sommaräng, mogna citrusfrukter och en avslutande touch av humlekotte som provas. Den sista trippeln öl går sedan helt i mörkrets tecken – först ut bryggeriets russian imperial stout – Saint Petersburg Russian Imperial Stout. Med stundtals rivig och ibland subtil lakrits, aningen rökighet och mer mörk choklad tycker jag att ölet visar att det ibland kan vara gott med en välbalanserad och enkel kraftig mörk öl än en komplex och varierad dito. Ibland vill man ha något extra, ibland vill man ha något rakt på sak utan krussiduller.

Kvällens verkliga höjdpunkter var de två sista ölen; Heather Honey Stout som med helt underbara smaker av ljunghonung penetrerar en redan rejäl och fyllig stout för att likt Närke Kaggen Stormaktsporter skapa lycka i min mun. Ölet, som har fått jäsa med champagnejäst har under ett halvår varit uppdelat på tre fat – en tredjedel i franska ekfat, en tredjedel i Pedro Ximinez sherryfat och en tredjedel i rödvinsfat från Bordeaux. Rökighet, mörka torkade frukter, honung – allt blir perfekt. I min bok var det här var världsklass! Sist ut bjöds det på Imperial Oatmeal Stout, även denna jäst med champagnejäst men lagrad i ett halvår i Kentucky Bourbonfat. Kokos och bourboninslag tar för sig och låter mildrande vanilj och choklad ga komplexitet. Visst är bourbonen rätt tydlig, men man är dum som klagar – ölet är trots allt “bara” på förvånansvärt låga 11%.


Ni kanske tänkte på det där med att Raven fått byta namn, och jo, även Saint Petersburg Russian Imperial Stout har diskuterats då man inte kan heta likt en stad. Vad alla verkar ha missat är den halvt barbystade kvinnan,Flora som utgör den staty som pryder trädgården på Thornbridge Hall syns på samtliga flaskor..

IMG_20130408_203406 (kopia)Kvällen avslutades sedan nere i baren där vi pratar vidare om vad som kommer att ske framöver. Alex och Matthew förklarar entusiastiskt om den bredd och variation de vill ha på deras öl, de ska inte bli ett bryggeri som bara gör en typ av öl. Så när jag och M2 frågar varför de inte gör mer extrema öl så får de något lurt i blicken. Matthew berättade redan under middagen hur man lagt undan lite fat för framtida experiment och att vissa av faten innehöll brettanomyces. Vissa fat hade redan legat en längre tid men skulle få ligga än längre för att de suröl som de innehåller ska utvecklas på ett förtjänstfullt sätt. Han nämner också att man arbetar med ett par berliner weisses som man får se om man sedan kommer att “smaksätta” med frukt, bär eller annat eller om man låt de vara som de är – just nu vill man bara få rätt laktokaraktär på dem. Förutom dessa nyheter så har man en European Series på gång där man vill göra lite mer traditionellt Europeiska ölstilar, bland dem en weizenbock, abbey ale och så vidare. Vi lär förhoppningsvis få träffa de båda i Sverige igen, det var Alex andra besök och redan på Stockholm Beer så blev han förtjust i Sverige och önskar komma hit under varmare årstider. Rätt otippat håller han också på att läsa om Sverige då hans nuvarande kvällsäsning utspelar sig just i landet – så håll utkik, för i år kan det det bli en brittsommar!

Posted in MankerBeer Meets:, MankerBeer Talk0 Comments

Photo: Steve Coomes /

MankerBeer Meets: Pre-CBC: Sam Cruz/Against the Grain

Against the grain, that’s where I’ll stay
Swimming upstream, I maintain against the grain

Photo: Steve Coomes /

Photo: Steve Coomes /

Yeah, it’s hard not to start with a quote from one of my favorite bands, Bad Religion and the song with the same name as the brewery whose brewer and co-owner I will present you with in the next sentence. Sam Cruz is his name, co-owner and brewer of Against the Grain Brewery and Smokehouse is his game. He is also part of the four man team which decided it was time to do something different, why follow the mainstream and brew what is expected or tradition? Why not just go with what you want to do? Consequently, the brewpub and smokehouse in Louisville, Kentucky have their own take on how to brew beers. Without being over to the US most Europeans have probably not had a beer from ‘AtG’, except maybe at Mikkeller Bar in Copenhagen where thanks to Mikkel’s friendship with the American brewers visitors have been able to occasionally find a new and exiting AtG beer.

Personally, when I try new beers from a new brewery I like to know about the brewers, the brewery and its history. Knowledge is king and might often explain the story and variety of flavors in the beer. So what better way to prepare for CBC than to ask Sam all about the brewery, music, that Justin Biibier kid and about anal pleasure. Oh, sorry An Ale Pleasure.


MankerBeer (MB): Against the Grain is as much a brewery as a concept of what beer is and can be – tell us about the story and the brewery?
Sam Cruz (SC): Essentially, we were tired of the regular old ‘stuff.’ At Against The Grain, we have thrown the, traditional, mode of thought (producing the same thing over and over…i think they call it consistency) and shifted our thoughts to producing amazing beer consistently, which can be any given style or twist on it. We hang our hats on quality and want people to know that there is a world of options out there….and we make them…and to top it all off, they can all be good!


MB: You have a certain approach to what to brew, and in my opinion a great one – with a spectrum of six categories (Session, Hop, Whim, Malt, Dark, and Smoke) which is enough, then you brew beers that fit into any of them – when did you come up with that idea? Why not make a few beers and keep them rolling?
SC: The truth is that our entire business concept is based on the idea that we can produce new and exciting things, always changing. In a previous life, we were brewers for Bluegrass Brewing Company, while there we noticed a trend of the ‘specialty’ or ‘seasonal’ beers we made being the first tanks to empty. This coupled with the boredom of repetitive brewing of the same brands led us to decide that what the world needed was a brewery that threw caution into the wind and was willing to experiment. Much like the path carved by our friends at Mikkeller, the object is to produce beers without boundaries. To not be afraid of experimentation and innovation.

So why not make the same brands repetitively….well…. its boring. I like to drink different beers, I think that its about each beer being an experience. Since we are making so many different beers, we can use them as a tool to inform or teach our customers all the nuances about beer that we love.


MB: Any beers that have been brewed so far that turned out way different than what you expected and which you weren’t satisfied with?
SC: We’ve actually had a great deal of success and have yet to put a ‘dog’ in the market. So I guess the answer is no. Some of the beers are received better by folks and others not so much. But up to this point, everything is as it was intended to be. Since we are so experimental at times, we are often identifying new flavors expressed in beer, so ultimately we are looking to create something for everyone at some point or another.


MB: The four founding fathers of the brewery all have different background within the food and/or beer industry – do you all share the same idea on what you want to create with the brewery or what do you disagree on?
SC: So far we are all on the same page. The beauty of the team we have assembled is that we all have very different areas of expertise, while still being skilled and experienced brewers. So naturally the decision making process lends to the most adept of the four of us, in any situation, drifting into a leadership role for the given situation. When it comes to the beers, the synergy amongst us allows us to create ideas for beers as a group.


MB: I love your graphical profile with the bearded tattoos hop freak – who is behind it all?
SC: We are very fortunate to have found the right artist to reflect the personality of our brands. Robby Davis (a Louisville native), is responsible for our illustrations, label/poster design, and overall branding (logo). A little story…I met Robby years ago at a back alley art show known as The UnFair. I was checking out the work there and happened onto his stuff. Immediately I knew he would be the one for my beers. So I took a card and told him he’d get a call someday to design the labels for my beers. At the time he didnt take me all that serious. So right as we were getting the project together and deciding on who would do our branding, I tracked him down and the rest is history… He is now a vital component in our brand imagery and the direction of our brand design. Id have to say, there is no one on the planet who is more ‘in tune’ with the Against The Grain brand. If you’d like more information on Robby, you can find his website…


MB: You opened up just 2 years ago, in retrospect – should you have done anything differently?
SC: Its hard to say that we would have done anything differently. I can say this, had I known what I know now, we would have planned to brew more beer for distribution. We have come to a point where our distribution sales are as important and fruitful as our in-house sales. Against The Grain is located in a baseball stadium, so we do a substantial amount of beer sales at the tap here in Louisville, but I and my partners believe it very important that we spread the word and message of our brand all over the world.


MB: You seem to have a lot of fun at the brewery and just by looking at your webpage you get the impression that you all do what you love to – is Against the Grain the perfect place to work?
SC: Im a bit biased 😉 But I’d say yes. Right here and right now, we have very little turnover in our brewery and restaurant. We employ anywhere from 25 to 50 people depending on the season and most of them have been with us from day one. Our company philosophy is pretty simple… We love beer, beer is fun, we love fun. This philosophy translates to our team having a great time. Since our concept calls for a lot of upheaval and change, it is impossible to get complacent or in the rut of day to day work. So new and fresh ideas are always welcomed, quirky and fun projects are a must, and poking fun at, an otherwise, too serious world is apart of our thought process.


MB: There is both a brewery and a smokehouse, any amazing combos you could share? Why not with a side order of some great tips for music to it?
SC: Based on our being a smokehouse and frankly a hearty love of smoked beers, Id say any of our smoked beers with our signature smoked pork. Its slow smoked in a great big country smoker…low and slow. That shit is killer!

A great pairing of music and beer….perhaps you havent heard of the most metal beer ever…Save Ferrous. Any Slayer rip and Save Ferrous and youve got a pairing!


MB: Danish brewers Tobias and Tore from To Øl were over earlier this year and now we see the result at CBC – An Ale Pleasure, fittingly aged on two different woods. Hos was their stay at the brewery and what’s your opinion the beer?
SC: Tore and Tobias were great. I am eternally grateful that they were able to come out and work with us. It was a pleasure to hear about how things are going for them and what their thoughts on Kentucky were. I have to say, that the their stay was too short. We were almost on a whirlwind tour of party time here. The first night (they were majorly jet lagged) I took them to a seedy bar on the other side of the city and we got trashed. It was a good start to a busy weekend. The beer is amazing. For the CBC there are only 2 variations available, but we actually split the beer into 8 different parts and have aged them on all different woods. The one aged on cherry wood is my favorite thus far. I believe it will be at CBC. Very good recipe for the wood.


MB: So if you had to choose, would you rather down a sixer of Miller Lite or listen happily to Justin Bieber for a full hour?
SC: Since I was in a state college here in the US, I have a ton of experience crushing light beers…so for the sake of familiarity, gimmie the sixer! Id have to gouge my ears out if someone tried to force Bieber on me…. besides, isnt he a rapper now or something. 🙂


MB: CBC is not only a great opportunity to meet your European beer drinkers, but also a great place to meet some of the best brewers of the world. Its your first time at CBC, what expectations have you got?
SC: My biggest expectation is come away with a more accurate picture of the Euro beer drinker… but realistically, I expect to raise a little hell, drink some beer…pick on some folks. Eat foods im not accustomed too… Long for a nights rest at my country home…no seriously, im really looking forward to connecting with some of the other brewers out there. It has been, far and away, one of the most valuable tools knowing other brewers. There is so much to learn, so many ideas to gather, and of course a world of people to work with at some level. Im really looking forward to that.


MB: What should beer fans really not miss at Copenhagen Beer Celebration?
SC: We brewed a collab beer with Menno Oliver of De Molen, Bo & Luke. There will be a version of Bo & Luke aged in a port barrel after aging in a bourbon barrel…its fuckin rad! Get it. Beyond that, Everything going is pretty sexy… id drink them all!


Thanks Sam for giving us some insight into AtG and what you guys are all about! Now lets see what beers beer freaks at CBC will be able to try (changes may occur and different beers will be poured during different sessions)! The fantastic full list of beers at CBC can be found here (will be updated day by day).

Against the Grain CBC Beer List:

  • Shit Jeans
  • Goldern Sower
  • Green Dragon
  • Wakatube
  • Booby Trap
  • MacFannybaw
  • Port Barrel  Aged Bo & Luke
  • Kentucky Ryed Chiquen
  • To ØL & Against the Grain Collab “An Ale Pleasure” – aged on 2 different types of wood

Posted in MankerBeer Meets:1 Comment


MankerBeer News: Pre-CBC: Who let the dogs out? Lagunitas beer list

lagulogoTwo weeks and one day until bartime – so start preparing, Copenhagen Beer Celebration is in the air! I was just writing an article on UK brewery Thornbridge and how one of their brewers, Matthew, explained to us how they try to make all of their beers sessionable or at least with a good drinkability. A sane beer geek wouldn’t down a pint o Three Floyds Dark Lord (or…), not because the quality or taste of the beer but simply because its too flavorful and strong. At CBC we will see breweries from all corners of the world and with different focus – some are making big beers while some prefer easy drinking beers. I would put Lagunitas Brewing Co. in the middle, leaning towards the more easy drinking beers. Quite unexpectedly, many Swedes really like Lagunitas – a brewery we until last year had to go to Denmark to be able to find. The brewery is attending CBC for the first time and their beer list, subjective to change, has a nice mix of easy drinking beers such as their IPA and my favorite, New Dogtown Pale Ale to their new Chardonnay barrel aged Imperial wheat ale Doppelomyces and and Barrel Aged Imperial Stout. I wouldn’t miss fresh Hop Stoopid or Maximus – beers that will give you your morning hop fix. For the complete list, of all the beers as well as ABV and descriptions – consult this great list! As soon as all beers have been announced we will upload the final version for you to print, edit and play around with!


Lagunitas CBC Beer List:

  • IPA
  • New Dogtown Pale Ale
  • Hop Stoopid
  • Little Sumpin Sumpin
  • Maximus
  • Doppelmyces
  • B.A Imperial Stout
  • Wilco Tango Foxtrot (WTF)

Posted in MankerBeer News, MankerBeer Talk0 Comments


MankerBeer News: Pre-CBC: What is Norwegian Lervig bringing?

lervig_OPPSLAG_jaa3458Another day in paradise and another set of beers being announced for Copenhagen Beer Celebration. In two weeks time I’ll be sitting in Copenhagen drinking beer, longing for CBC to start and to wake up to a day of witnessing some world class brewing (more on that later). So I thought it might be about time to announce some more beers? Except for Denmark the only Nordic country (however, Xbeeriment do have a collaboration with Swedish brewery Brekeriet, Bretty Boop) participating at CBC is Norway. Norway is sending one of their best breweries, Lervig and their friendly brewmaster Mike Murphy. We had a chat with Mike last year and some of what he said is probably still as interesting and will give you an idea of what Lervig is about. If you prefer the full interview you can find it here. At the bottom you find what Lervig is sending to Copenhagen – Bam!


MankerBeer (MB): You have lived in Europe for over a decade, brewing beers in Italy, Denmark and Norway so it seems as if you have experienced the European craft beer revolution first hand. How has the European beer scene changed while you have been here?

Mike Murphy (MM): I feel like I am riding the craftbeer wave as I have been in 3 countries and been there about the same time these countries have undergone a transformation from mundane pilsner to interest in craft beers. Italy was interstingly a non beer country when I was there in 99, about the only thing you could find other than pils was Guiniess or kilkenny, if you go to Italy today you can see for yourself what has happened, Italy is special as they have been doing it their way and you can see and taste it. Denmark and little after Sweden become huge markets for craft beer, perhaps the good economies and the pre exsitiing love of beer made the scandinavian beer scene one of the most interesting beer scenes in the world. the craft beer market is also on the rise here in Norway, I can see by our sales that new and different products are selling much better than lame boring macro pils.

The scene in scandinavia has changed and matured over the last 8 years starting with some influence from the US brewing scene, giving inspiration to many brewers in the area to produce simular beers and perhaps take it a bit further in some cases. Yet there is always those cult brewers who appeal to the more traditional drinker in scandinavia and you just dont see that anywhere else really. The scandinavian beer scene is the area is realitively small and yet so interesting that is never boring always changing and full of great people that you can meet out there in many festivals and tastings.


MB: What were you doing before you moved to Europe and started brewing beers?

MM: I was always a home brewer, but I was starting a buisness which deals with customizing swimming pools with stone walls, waterfalls & landscaping around the pools, I had this goal to make peoples mouth drop in awe when they come to the backyard of the customers who could afford these types of luxuries. I have an education in Landscape Architecture so I was heading that way when Europe called on me to be a brewer. I think things would be very different for me today if I had stayed on that path, I cant say I would have regreted anything and I probably would have been happy doing the previous line of work as well. I am however very happy to have spent my late 20?s and all my 30?s in Europe, i think it has fundementaly changed me and perhaps made me a better and open minded person.


MB: For those of us that follow your blog we read your take on canning beers. What are the biggest prejudices against canned beers here in Norden?

MM: Like most places people assimulate can beer with cheap beer, like a screw cap on wine, basically because most craft brewers can not afford a proper bottling line much less a canning line, therefore it must be a mass produced lame beer in there… I just tell people it’s not any differnet than a small keg, it may look and feel less special in the can but when you need to carry the dead bottles from your home to the recycle center you can feel the differnece as well. I like that the can has more printing options, better on the environment as far as trasnsport, and it actually stores the beer better than a glass bottle… It’s nice to have a choice and I really believe that cans are the future even for craft beer.


MB: Norway is starting to establish itself as a beer country just like Sweden and Denmark and I spoke to Kjetil from Nøgne Ø on how many small Norwegian breweries try to perfect their beers and production before “they go big”. What upcoming breweries are their to keep your yes on?

MM: I think it’s going to take some more time before you see many new breweries except for some brew pubs here in Norway, I think Kinn is an interesting brewery that is well distributed here in Norway and getting a lot of respect from the craft beer scene, It would only be better for all of us if we have more and more interest and choice. there is another local brewery near us which has always made more traditional beers, now they have launched a IPA as well… Just shows that they see it too.


You can find the descriptions of the below beers together with all the other beers at CBC in our complete CBC beer list – updated daily and found here. Just to clarify, changes in the beer lists may occur and not all beers are served at all sessions.

Lervig CBC Beer List:

  • Brewers Reserve Rye IPA
  • Brewers Reserve Konrads Stout
  • Farmhouse Stout
  • Bourbon B.A Barley Wine
  • BPA
  • Flemish Brown Ale
  • Oat IPA
  • Galaxy Hopped IPA Super Passion Fruit
  • Imperial Amber Ale

Posted in MankerBeer Meets:, MankerBeer News0 Comments


En grekisk kung kommer lastad från USA – Omnipollo Agamemnon

På vår Facebook-sida kunde ni igår se oss prova ölet, idag kommer recensionen inslaget med lite information om ölet – Omnipollo Agamemnon. Som vi skrev om redan i början av året så blev Omnipollos Omniteam Henok Fentie och Karl Grandin inbjudna till DOG Brewing i Maryland för att brygga öl. Det kanske låter improviserat men redan för 2 år sedan lades grunden då Omnipollos amerikanska importör Brian Ewing12 Percent Imports föreslog att de skulle brygga en öl i USA. Henok berättar att känslan då var att det skulle vara omöjligt, istället skulle tiden, platsen och ölet få växa fram för att ge det resultat vi nu har framför oss.

Henok berättar själv om projektet;

Jag och Kalle landade i New York en lördag i mitten av februari och åkte först till vad som senare skulle bli den mest ambitiösa ölbaren i världen – TØRST. Kalle hade blivit tillfrågad om han ville göra ett par väggmålningar. Efter två dagars febrilt målande med Heady Topper ur burk som målarbira så begav vi oss mot Maryland och DOG. Ett bryggeri ute på vischan där bland annat Stillwater brygger sina öl.

Vi kom fram på natten efter några felkörningar och möttes av den alltid leende ägaren/bryggaren George Humbert kl 04.30 morgonen därpå. Med specialbeställda maltsorter från Tyskland, England och USA mäskade vi 8 ggr, tillsatte 400 kg lönnsirap och den färskaste humle som går att få tag på.

Redan sedan det stod klart att ölet skulle bli av så har man gjort vad man kunnat för att ölet på något sätt skulle finnas tillgängligt i Sverige så när Systembolaget nappade på det så var det perfekt. 5.000 flaskor av 65 cl Agamemnon kommer att släppas den 1/6, 99 kronor per flaska går de loss på vilket man får anse är ett väldigt bra pris på en 12.5% stark imperial stout hitfraktad från USA.


Omnipollo Agamemnon


644655_637946686231831_2020733950_nUtseende: Det är mörk brunsvart sirap som strilar ner i det lilla glaset och bara utav sättet den flaskan töms kan man ana att det är en kletig, mörk skapelse som sakteligen ges en chokladbrun skumkrona.
Doft: Näsan snappar, snippar och sniffar upp svart kåda med mörk torkad frukt, kolsvart kaffe och förkolnader som får extra sting av lite alkoholhetta.  Det är tydligt att det går åt Hades hemtrakter med allt bränt, smutsig betong och en sötma så mörk att det är svårt att kalla den söt.
Smak: Medel till stor munkänsla med en kolsyra som döljs av det till en början runda, nästans sirapstjocka ölet. Det börjar med mörkt bröd men i takt med att du stavar bröd så sköljer smakerna av bränd gammal tjärad skuta, melass och starkaste kaffesumpen in. Det är kraftig, det har ett lätt markerat alkoholsting och mot slutet dyker aningen robust betongfundament (?) in samt mer kakaobittra toner. Efter en stund är allt du har kvar i munnen mörk sirap och kaffe, kanske också en flyktig mörk frukt och bärighet.

Betyg? – Bättre(+). Ett högt betyg, men så är det här en amerikansk dubbel stout helt i min smak, är det inte din kakbit så kan du se bort för plusset – oavsett vilket så är det skitbra. Något det inte är är snällt utan det är en öl som är tjock som olja med kraftiga smaker – men just när de bitit till och man blir rädd att den ska börja tappa balansen så dyker en rund sötma in och sveper bort det stygga, om än med en bitter eftersmak. Det påminner mer om tydliga amerikanska dubbel stouts som har mindre av choklad och kaffe-toner och istället mer av bränt, mörkt och med en släpande sötma.

Posted in MankerBeer Talk, Ölrecensioner4 Comments

MJ-Hop Fields

MankerBeer Meets: Pre-CBC: Michael Jordan/Boxing Cat Brewery

MJ-Hop FieldsCopenhagen Beer Celebration 2013 showcase one of the craziest line-ups of breweries I’ve seen with breweries from unexpected places such as Brazil, Japan, New Zeeland – and China. You seldomly see craft beers from the closed and isolated China, The Boxing Cat Brewery tap takeover at Mikkeller Bar in Copenhagen a welcomed exception. Together with US born brewmaster Michael Jordan the CBC team have managed to get ahold of 9 different beers that will be poured during CBC. It will be wicked fun to try some proper beers from China and to be able to get an idea of where the Chinese beer culture is developing. We knew we had to get ahold of Michael to check whats happening on the other side of the wall and to hear how an American citizen makes the decision to become a brewer in China. Lets start rocking!


MankerBeer (MB): A brewery, in China, with an American brewer? For those unfamiliar
Michael Jordan (MJ): The brewery was founded in April 2008 by 3 people from diverse backgrounds. Kelley Lee had been in Shanghai for awhile and had opened a few restaurants prior to opening Boxing Cat Brewery. She is an American Born Chinese that grew up in Los Angeles. She got here degree at USC before attending culinary school in France. The other parter is Lee Tseng who originally hails from Toronto but was born in Taiwan. He had also been in Shanghai for awhile and dabbled in real estate and opening the first Illy cafe in China. The last founding partner was Gary Heyne who originally hails from Houston, Texas. Gary had been in Shanghai for about 2 years and had opened a brewery prior to Boxing Cat Brewery but the management terms were unacceptable so he wanted to open his own brewpub. The 3 of them met and decided it was a great idea to open an American themed brewpub in Shanghai focusing on Southern cuisine and craft beer modeled after North American standards. The influence of North American brewing standards is evident in our beer menu as we like US craft beers and brew many different styles that are popular in the US. We also like to experiment and use some local ingredients such as Sichuan Peppercorns and Fresh Ginger in a Belgian Tripel we do. We take pride in our innovation and pushing beer boundaries while educating people about craft beer in China. The beer culture in China is much different in that they often shotgun 5 oz beers (ganbei) while eating and it’s a “face” thing to show how much beer you can drink in dining occasions. This beer is extremely light in flavor and alcohol so they can do this easily. It’s not easy to do with Boxing Cat Beers as our beer has flavor and of course much higher alcohol.

I’m an American craft brewer that has been brewing professionally since 1995. Most of my time has been spent working in the Portland, Oregon area. I have seen many different breweries including the following in chronological order; Nor’Wester Brewing Co., Saxer Brewing Co., Henry Weinhards, Grand Teton Brewing, Couer d’Alene Brewing Co and Widmer Brothers Brewing Co. My last position in Portland was a great 5 years where I was eventually promoted to Lead Brewer for Swing Shift operations. I left Widmer in 2008 to move to Denmark and work for Bryggeriet S.C. Fuglsang in Haderslev. I was Brewmaster for Fuglsang and had some responsibilities on the QC side in the malting plant in Haderslev. I enjoyed my time in DK but needed more creative freedom and found an awesome opportunity in China of all places. I have been with Boxing Cat Brewery since October 2010.

Education wise: I studied Life Sciences in University so lots of Biology and Chemistry. My original goal was to join the medical field after University. I began homebrewing in 1993 and fell in love with the hobby. I witnessed (and participated) in the first big wave of craft brewing and thought it would be a fun industry to join with the idea that I could open my own brewery someday. Along the way I have taken some brewing courses at Siebel Institute of Brewing Technology in Chicago and some online courses from Heriot Watt in Scotland. I used this education to pass the rigorous Diploma Brewer Exams from the IBD in London.

In general I like to experiment with beer and have 100% freedom with my current job. It has allowed me a great creative outlet while producing some wonderful beers that our customers get to enjoy. It’s a great situation for me personally and to also participate in the pioneer movement of craft beer in China.


MB: You have worked at places such as Widmer Brothers and Danish Bryggeriet S.C Fuglsang – what are the ups and downs with suddenly starting to brew beer in China?
MJ: The ups and downs of brewing in China primarily revolve around the infancy of the industry. It’s challenging to educate customers but I feel that we do that well and put our best foot forward when brewing International styles. I refuse to dilute an American IPA because the locals might find it too bitter. We have expats that crave a true American IPA or Imperial Stout so we do it properly and realize the locals will either not like it or take awhile to warm up to. In the end if anybody can enjoy 2 or 3 of our beers that we offer I’m a happy brewer and the business is happy. So far we’re doing well so we haven’t departed from that equation.

One big issue is sourcing quality ingredients. Over time I’ve gotten us to use 100% imported raw materials because our focus is on the quality and having the best craft beer in China. I’ve used my contacts to source American hops and am proud of what we’re able to accomplish using these hops. Of course they’re not cheap but it’s about the quality for us and passing some of the extra price onto the customers that appreciate a quality product. The imported malts available in China are great but limited to 2 different vendors. I work with these vendors to provide me with malt but it’s difficult to forecast malt needs 3-4 months in advance and make sure they arrive in time. So we have to take on a buffer of storage as the importer will not stock much malt in country. The pricing is also elevated a bit more than I deem necessary so hopefully over time more competition will drive down the price. Paying 3X the amount from my days in DK or USA can be hard to swallow at times…..Liquid yeast is also difficult to obtain so we go through extra measures to bring it into the country or propagate in the brewery. We can easily buy dry yeast but the varieties are too limiting for what I want to do. I’ve always used liquid yeast and feel it’s a better product so we go through the difficult measures to make the beer top notch.

The last challenge is probably the biggest. We can only produce our beer on a brewpub scale right now due to the regulations and restrictions put in place by the government. Operating as a brewpub is easy and basically falls under restaurant licensing. If we want to build a microbrewery and distribute our kegs outside our own locations then it falls under a different classification that is extremely hard to overcome. They want to treat us like a huge brewery so we have to adhere to the same guidelines as the big breweries. From an operational aspect this is easy as I’m sure we operate much better from an environmental aspect. The taxation policies and what’s required to obtain the production license are the real hurdles. We’re still trying to do this and hope to overcome these challenges in the coming years as our end game is to distribute throughout China with both kegs and bottles.

The upside for craft beer is tremendous in China even though their are many challenges. People are very interested in diversity of products and can appreciate a flavorful beer. The disposable income of Chinese is growing so “luxury goods” are becoming more and more appealing. It’s fun to be on the pioneer side of this movement as Boxing Cat and myself are really able to help shape the future of craft beer. We take a role in educating customers but also working with other craft breweries in China to promote craft beer. We do this by organizing craft beer festival or starting something like Shanghai Beer Week. We also do some co-op purchasing amongst ourselves to fill containers of malt and source ingredients together while importing them ourselves. There is a lot of excitement of craft beer in China right now and it’s amazing to have this opportunity. Working with other International brands such as Mikkeller has also been awesome as it sheds light on brewers working together while also getting a bit of media attention for craft beer.


MB: RateBeer currently list 37 Chinese breweries, including 6 that now are out of order. Why the low amount of breweries, doesn’t at least a few of the over a billion Chinese like beer?
MJ: Ratebeer is not widely used in China as the website is often blocked by the government. To access this site or other sites like facebook/twitter you have to use a VPN. Therefore Ratebeer ratings/listings are low in China and not really reflective of what is happening with craft beer in the country. Untappd is an application that is gaining usage and something that I use and help moderate within China. In the end China is the worlds largest country for beer consumption due to the 1.34 billion people that live here. The per capita consumption is low compared with Western countries but when it shifts 1-2% a year it’s a massive jump in total consumption. We don’t worry too much about that in the end. If craft beer can get a portion of 0.5% we’ll all be rather happy!


MB: What would it take to start a Chinese craft beer movement, much of what has been seen in other non-traditional beer countries?
MJ: Well I think the Chinese craft beer movement has already started dating back to 2010. The interest in craft beer is seen with the surge in more and more brewpubs opening and beer festivals catering to just craft beer. We’re seeing increased interest with imported beer with craft beer here from USA, Scotland, Wales and Denmark. More and more bars/pubs are opening and carrying great imported beer from Belgium plus craft beer from Mikkeller, North Coast, Brooklyn, Rogue or Brewdog. In the past 2 years a quarterly beer publication has started called Hops Magazine. Recently they started publishing a Chinese language edition and it’s really taking off. The interest in homebrewing is also surging forward with many local homebrew clubs forming and some homebrew competitions happening. It’s a bit of a complete package and I see lots of great things happening for craft beer in China. Craft breweries (including Boxing Cat) are being asked to participate in the huge Chinese beer festivals so I think the recognition of our little industry is happening. The more exposure we receive and use that opportunity for education the better we’ll all fair in the end. In the end I do a lot of staff training regarding our beers so our staff can help educate our Chinese customers. Simple stuff like literature explaining beer styles in dual language goes a long way. Having a tasting tray so people can taste and discover beer on their own is also a great experience. I really feel that we’re doing many of the things you see happening in other countries, we’re just a bit behind. Luckily China likes to move fast so maybe we can catch up a little bit:)


MB: As a beer drinker in China, how do you find craft beer to drink at home or in bars?
MJ: You can drink craft beer at either home or bars. There are not a lot of places to drink craft beer as far as bars go so you have to seek it out or know where to go. Craft beer in bottles is perhaps easier to find as we even have beer specialty shops that will deliver beer to your doorstep. I order beer for deliver from a company in Shanghai called Cheers In. It’s a great service where you can shop online and choose a time for delivery while even requesting that the beer be delivered cold. If you order a small volume around 8-12 bottles depending upon price the delivery is even free! Of course seeking out the local brewery is a great way to discover craft beer and probably also meet other craft beer aficionados in the respective Chinese city.


MB: You brew everything from hoppy pale ales to IPA to a smoky porter but who is the average Boxing Cat beer drinker in China?
MJ: We do brew a diverse range of beers at Boxing Cat. Last year we brewed something like 35 different beers which is pretty good for a little 1000 liter brewhouse only serving beer within their own locations. Our best selling beer is Right Hook Helles. It’s our lightest beer (4.5% ABV, 15 IBU’s) that we offer year round and it’s a lager. In general Chinese are used to lager beer so it’s no surprise it’s our best selling beer. Saying that it’s about 1% ABV higher than their used to and it has lots of taste and body when compared with Tsingtao. Our second best selling beer is TKO IPA, so complete opposite side of the spectrum. The expat customer base is primarily responsible for this consumption but we’re seeing more locals try this beer. They like the citrus notes but sometimes the bitterness (62 IBU’s for TKO IPA) is a bit much for them. If this is the case we try to let them sample Sucker Punch Pale Ale as it has similar citrus notes from the Citra hops with less bitterness (38 IBU’s). We have a few new beers that we’ve done recently that have been enormously popular so we’re still figuring out the local preferences as well. One example is Contender Extra Pale Ale– brewed with Mosaic hops and dry hopped rather liberally with this same hop variety. Lots of tropical fruit notes in this beer but low bitterness at 16 IBU’s. Some of the local Shanghainese food is a bit sweet so the local preference is along sweetnes so some of our newer beers are along these lines, such as Ringside Red Lager (malty with low hop character).


MB: Have you ever though of brewing a beer with traditional Chinese ingredients and/or for the typical Chinese cuisine?
MJ: We definitely brew with traditional ingredients. I mentioned the Sichuan peppercorns and fresh ginger in Tripel Threat earlier. I brewed Bruce ChiLee IPA with Mikkel when we did the collaboration brew. This beer used local green chillies with medium spice and a large Simcoe hop addition. We’ve brewed with local pumpkins in our Fall seasonal beer. I made a wheat beer using kaffir lime leaves, kaffir limes and lemongrass. This beer was popular so I need to brew it again. I’ve done a collab beer with Great Leap Brewing based out of Beijing where we used Yunnan Black Tea in the beer. Another example would be the mango ale we made. I’m currently working with a local coffee roaster to make a coffee beer. This coffee beer is based upon a Pale Ale recipe using single origin coffee that has berry and chocolate notes. In the end using local ingredients is great and something I’ll continue to explore. The food in our 2 restaurants is American so in the end I’m pairing our beers with American cuisine. Occasionally I’ll sneak a growler into a Chinese restaurant to see how it pairs with different Chinese cuisine. It would be fun to play around with this some more but that most likely won’t happen until we get our production license and distribute to local Chinese restaurants.


MB: You have been with the brewery for a little more than two years, what is your vision? Do the bureaucracy and problems with importing ingredients ever frustrate you and would it be possible to expand or find new international markets?
MJ: Our vision is to be the most innovative craft brewery in China that is Internationally recognized. We want to open a production brewery and distribute throughout China and potentially look at other export markets. It’s a big challenge as I discussed earlier but something we will battle and eventually overcome. I definitely get frustrated at times…luckily I have a never die attitude and realize that we’re in a unique position to shape the future of craft brewing in China. I’ve never had this type of opportunity in the nearly 20 years of brewery experience. I knew coming in the job would be challenging so I signed on with that intention. We’ve figured out ingredients issues since I arrived and it’s a great feeling when you accomplish something that has been a huge hurdle. For better or worse I share my experiences with other brewers in the country….It’s who I am based upon my brewing experience in the US or Europe. Brewers share information to better the movement for the entire beer community. We have a few players in China who don’t get that right now. In the end it’s their loss and something I’ve seen before. Most likely those players are only in the industry to make money and don’t have the passion that the rest of us have. If history has taught me anything those same breweries won’t exist for very long.

We’ve figured out how to export beer for a few beer festivals such as Copenhagen Beer Celebration. It’s difficult and costly. I believe most beer was shipped via boat to Copenhagen. Our beer went on a plane so it’s pretty damn fresh and has seen limited abuse from transportation. We mainly due this to eliminate delays with customs and shipping issues but it feels good to send beer to DK and have it arrive and clear Danish customs in 10 days after it left the brewery in Shanghai!!

Of course exporting beer like this is not a long term business solution so we’ll participate in a few International beer festivals but we cannot do too many at such a high cost. In the end there are so many opportunities within China that we want to focus on the local market and not get ahead of ourselves. We want to do well in China as that’s our primary focus.


MB: What should beer fans at Copenhagen Beer Celebration really notmiss?
MJ: I feel we have a diverse lineup of beers we’ve sent to Copenhagen. I think hopheads will like TKO IPA and Firecracker Imperial Red…maybe Sucker Punch Pale Ale too. King Louie Imperial Stout is a beer I’m very proud of and I think the Bourbon edition is tasting awesome. 13 months in Jim Beam Barrels has treated this beer well. We shipped extra kegs of this beer along with TKO IPA and Bare Knuckle Barleywine. I hope people can enjoy Chinese craft beer with a bit of an American attitude!!

Thanks for reaching out to us and see you in Copenhagen!!


We thank Michael fore taking the time to put some light on the Chinese craft beer scene and sharing some of the difficulties with pushing craft beer in such a closed country. CBC will be a great opportunity to try a wide range of The Boxing Cat’s beers and don’t miss out on giving Michael some praise or feedback on what you try! We are looking forward to it! Below is the list of beers, as always the preliminary line-up where changes may occur and differ throughout the different sessions – Pink! For an overview on all the beers – consult this amazing online list of beers (which will be updated frequently with more beers, and maybe new breweries)


The Boxing Cat’s CBC Beer List:

  • Sucker Punch Pale Ale
  • King Louie Imperial Stout
  • Firecracker Imperial Red Ale
  • Bare Knuckle Barleywine
  • Donkey Punch Porter
  • Bourbon Barrel Aged King Louie Imperial Stout
  • Ringside Red
  • Undercard Imperial Brown Ale

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