The days are passing slower than ever and beer lovers from all over the world are packing their bags and heading for their transportation of choice to get to Copenhagen. It is finally time for Copenhagen Beer Celebration 2013!
Many of the beers are basically exclusive in one way or another to CBC and I think I speak for everyone that managed to get tickets that we are really looking forward to these two days of beer heaven! For the few but lucky beer gees who will attend Sour & Bitter 2, the Thursday will be as packed with beer love as the Friday-Saturday bonanza. Before starting our quick tour on the stuff you need to know and all the practical things lets see what else is happening these days in Copenhagen.
What else is happening this week?:
(Changes may occur and most likely there will be more events)
Tuesday: Sour beer Festival @ Mikkeller & Friends (runs tuesday – end of the week/out of beers)
Wednesday: Chicago Beer Event @ Mikkeller Bar Viktoriagarde
Thursday: Sour & Bitter 2, Event with Mikkeller label genious Keith Shore @ Mikkeller & Friends,
Friday: CBC 2013
Saturday: CBC 2013
Sunday: Mikkeller Bar Viktoriagarde 3 Year Birthday Party!
Practical stuff:
The celebration run over three sessions, all with their specific beers;
- Yellow Session on Friday the 3rd, running from 15.00 to 20.00 (3.00 pm to 8.00 pm).
- Red Session on Saturday the 4th, 11.30 to 16.30 (11.30 am to 4.30 pm).
- Blue Session on Saturday the 4th, 18.00 to 23.00 (6.00 pm to 11.00 pm)
Apart form the above session “Pink ticket” holders gets access to all three sessions including the between-sessions event on Saturday.
There will be a wardrobe, run by a local non-profit organization. Your money will help them a long way and you don´t have to worry about carrying stuff around.
There is a wifi but its not the best; still, it is free, it exists and the rest is up to you.
An amount of master classes will be held during the days;
Yellow session
15.30 – 16.30 Sours – Chad Yakobsen and White Labs (Talk and tasting)
17 – 18 The Swedish Brewscene – Jessica Heidrich
18.30 – 19.30 Panel(Firestone Walker/Kuhnenn/Founders/Cigar City) – Session IPA
Red session
13.30 – 14.30 The Swedish Brewscene – Jessica Heidrich
15 – 16 Sours – Chad Yakobsen and White Labs (Talk and tasting)
Blue session
20 – 21 Panel(Firestone Walker/Kuhnenn/Founders/Cigar City) – Session IPA
Bathrooms and tap water will be found outside the celebration hall (so same spot as 2012).
Food and non-beery drinks?

Braunstein, creators of the Mikkeller Spirits line are coming with some of their stuff.
Unika, a research facility of the diary giant Arla, has been making cheeses with Mikkeller; which they will bring, there will be a plate with a range of cheeses to buy at their table.
Coffe Collective; the crazy gang from last year are coming with some great coffee this year as well.
Frederiksdal kirsebærvin; the guys with the cherries in the Spontan Cherry, they are bringing sweet drinks.
There are 4 vendors of food; they will each sell food at 40-50 DKR (5,50-6,75 EUR).
“Rødder” will be serving a chili con carne, based on locally produced food.
“Johns Hot Dog Deli” will be serving… dogs….
“Pony” will bring fishcakes, ryebread, pickles and so forth.
“Rock ´n´Risotto” will have two dishes; a vegetarian asparagus- and a lamb risotto.
There will be benches located along the food vendors, they can be used for eating great food and drinking the Mikkeller brew we have paired with the different dishes.
Getting to the CBC area:
Copenhagen Beer Celebration will take place in in Copenhagen, where the mysterious character Skumberg bought his ‘wienerbröö me schokelääää’ and tried to smuggle into Sweden with various success.
In more details, CBC will be held at the running club Sparta’s historic facilities near Fælledparken in Østerbro, Copenhagen. You will probably not be going there by car so I will skip the directions, instead go there by the City of Copenhagens fine network of transportation. The easiest way to plan your trip at – aim for this address: Gunnar Nu Hansens Plads 7, 2100 København (Østerbro Stadion). The easiest way to get to the venue is by the S-train to Østerport Station, catch the bus 1A bound for Hellerup just outside the station and get off at “Gustafs Adolfs Gade” or phonetically: [Guustaeuu Eedolf gaee] and go in the bus’s direction, head left after the stadium and follow the lovely smell of malts, hops, insane ingredients and equally insane brewers for about 100 meters. More or less – THIS – is where you want to end up.
Available Beers
Through this link you can find a downloadable version of the beer list, complete as of 30/4. The full list of beers, sessions etc can be found through this site – although it doesn’t give you a great overview, so use them together to edit the full list for your liking. Changes may occur and it seems as if changes have already been made, so do not take anything for granted but come and enjoy the great beers that are there!
In this list you will be able to mark your own comment of the beer and/or tick them of (Or to “Blafa” them). Due to the magnitude, quantity and the quality of what brews that will be offered – this is what it will look like, now I will focus on partying and not preparing for CBC.
Buying stuff
Bring cash, just less than last year! You will be able to food and drinks (water etc) at the venue. Although this year the beers are included in the ticket, so you do not need to bring extra cash, tokens or small amounts of myrr to celebrate. You will receive one ounce pours of the beers. At the venue you will also be able to buy food from a variety of places (see below) and merchandise from some of the breweries, cash is king.
Though you will not be able to purchase bottles of beer to bring with you at the venue, you will be able to get pre-access to Mikkeller & Friends Bottleshop. You can also buy other great beers from places such as Barley Wine, Kioskh, Ölbutikken and Fish ‘n’ Beer all weekend.
Some of the beers will only be available on Friday and some only on Saturday, are you as smart and handsome as us at MankerBeer and have got yourself tickets for both days? Pink all the way!
The after parties
A whole bunch of international, awesome brewers at the same place, which happens to be in the Mexico of the Nordics – what do you think will happen? For obvious reasons, the venues and themes are kept secret and will only be revealed on a need-to-know basis but rest assure that you will meet us on, what we expect, one of the more awesome’y of them all. Head for places such as Fermentoren , the Mikkeller Bars, Bishops Arms Copenhagen and Ørsted Ølbar.
Learn Danish!
In order to make your way around the lovely streets of Copenhagen and on the actual festival, we have put together some useful sentences that will assist you in your quest for hopiness:
- Drive me to Mikkeller bar at Viktoriagade! = Kør mig til Mikkeller bar i Viktoriagade!
- This is probably the best beer I had today = Dette er nok den bedste øl jeg havde i dag
- Do you have any idea who that guy is?? He’s head brewer of xxx… = Har du nogen idé om, hvem den fyr er? Han er brygmester af xxx …
- Im sorry/Excuse me = Undskyld
- Well do you think I’m cute when I’m sober then? = Jamen tror du jeg er sød, når jeg er ædru så?
- You ate a bar of soap?! = Du spiste en bar af sæbe?!
- Well, I thought it was cheese = Nå, jeg troede det var ost
- Drive me to hotel xxx, please – no more beer for me today = Kør mig til hotellet xxx, kan du – ikke mere øl til mig i dag
- Hello, a large pizza with everything on it, three burgers, 3 sausages, extra french fries and a few litres jolly cola = Hej, en stor pizza med alt på det, tre burgere, 3 pølser, ekstra pommes frites og et par liter Jolly Cola
Time to get the party starting!